Okay, I know I said my next game would use godot, but hear me out chat.  I started this game a super long time ago, so I needed to finish it.  The main character, Eagle, is better known for their presence in a completely different game, Cho's Tavern.  If y'all like this, leave a comment so I know to put time into this idea.  Heads up, this has that budget game jam quality.

Finishing this only took 7 hours, so this game will actually load quickly!!


Arrows to move
Press space to shoot the bow
Press w or a to use the sword

Tap far to the left or right to use the bow, tap high up or low down for sword, tap near Eagle to move.  Tap the yellow and green bars to use energy.


Past and Then - Nhato
Ascension to Heaven - OkuU 
Fake Adventure - ShibayanRecords
Hide (CS01 version) - Dorian Concept


High above the diamond-adorned city of Aeropolis in a world where the sky and clouds never end, the royal guard named Eagle sits on duty.  He/she watches over the Aureth Bridge, almost 3 kilometers above the city and another 7 kilometers above the foggy, mountainous solid plane.  Most of the time, the only sound to be heard is the wind and the occasional call of some dove or wyvern.  But there is a reason this bridge is guarded.  An impish, goblin-like species of creatures known as Bakas is known to swarm on rare occasion, feasting on any poor civilian in their path.  There is only one way to deter them, and that method is to overwhelm them with the stench of their own dead.  Eagle surveys the area, ready with an arsenal of weapons to slay droves of Bakas, should one of those infamous raids arrive.  Those weapons are a longbow, a large sword, and two special energy emitters.  Should the Bakas make it to the city, thousands would certainly perish.  

Published 21 days ago
Tags2D, High Score, Music, Short, Singleplayer

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